2015 Results

Dainton Park, Winners 2015   Dainton Park, Winners of the Kay Sharp Salver 2015
FullSizeRender   Wrangaton, Runners Up, 2015


Dainton won the final against Wrangaton


Dainton won in the semi-final against Fingle Glen.
Wrangaton won their semi-final against Saunton.

Group A Results

Staddon Heights Stover Dainton Park Teign Valley Tiverton
Matches Points Matches Points Matches Points Matches Points Matches Points
Staddon Heights
Home  3 6  4.5  9  3  6  3  6
Away  1  3  3  9  2.5  7.5  3.5  10.5
Home  5  10  4  8  2  4  3  6
Away  3  9  1.5  4.5  2  6  3  9
Dainton Park
Home  3  6  4.5  9  3.5  7  4  8
Away  1.5  4.5  2  6  2  6  0.5  1.5
Teign Valley
Home  3.5  7  4  8  4  8  3  6
Away  3 9  4  12  2.5  7.5  3  9
Home  2.5  5  3  6  5.5  11  3  6
Away  3  9  3  9  2  6  3  9
Totals: 24.5  59.5 24.5 59 27 63  21  51.5  23  56
Last Updated:
Divisional Winners:           Dainton Park

Group B Results

Gr Torrington Portmore Bigbury Fingle Glen Dartmouth
Matches Points Matches Points Matches Points Matches Points Matches Points
GrTorrington Home  5.5  11  5.5  11  5  10  4  8
Away  5  15 1.5  4.5 3.5  10.5  3  9
Portmore Home  1  2  4  8  5  10  4  8
Away  0.5  1.5  0  0  1.5  4.5  1 3
Bigbury Home 4.5  9  6  12  5  10  4.5  9
Away  0.5  1.5  2 6  4  12  2  6
Fingle Glen Home  2.5  5  4.5  9  2  4  2  4
Away  1  3  1  3  1  3  0  0
Dartmouth Home  3  6 5  10  4 8  6  12
Away  2  6  2  6  1.5  4.5  4  12
Totals:  15 34.5 31 72 19.5 43 34 81  20.5 47
Last Updated:
Divisional Winners:      Fingle Glen

Group C Results

RND Thurlestone Wrangaton Axe Cliff Bovey Tracy
Matches Points Matches Points Matches Points Matches Points Matches Points
RND Home  3.5  7  4  8  3 6 3  6
Away  0.5  1.5  4  12  1  3  1  3
Thurlestone Home  5.5 11  2  4  6  12  3.5  7
Away  2.5  7.5  3 9  1  3  4  12
Wrangaton Home  2  4  3  6  4  8  2  4
Away  2  6  4  12  2  6  2.5  7.5
Axe Cliff Home  5  10  5  10  4  8  4  8
Away  3  9  0  0  2  6 3 9
Bovey Tracy Home  5  10  2  4  3.5  7  3  6
Away  3  9  2.5  7.5  4  12  2  6
Totals:  28 66.5 20.5  48  26.5 66 22 50 23 56.5
Last Updated:
Divisional Winners:    Wrangaton

Group D Results

Saunton Woodbury Park Ilfracombe Warren Churston
Matches Points Matches Points Matches Points Matches Points Matches Points
Saunton Home  2  4  6 12 3  6  3.5  7
Away  1.5  4.5 1  3  0  0  0  0
Woodbury Park Home  4.5  9  5.5  11  1  2  3  6
Away  4  12  2  6  2  6  1  3
Ilfracombe Home  5  10  4  8  4  8  1.5  3
Away  0  0  0.5  1.5  1  3  1  3
Warren Home  6  12  4  8  5  10  3.5 7
Away  3  9  5  15  2  6  1.5  4.5
Churston Home  6  12  5  10  5  10  4.5  9
Away  2.5  7.5  3  9  4.5  13.5  2.5  7.5
Totals:  31  71.5 25 60  31  71.5  18 41.5 15  33.5
Last Updated:
Divisional Winners:     Saunton